Nach dem großen Erfolg des DB4 GT kehrt Aston Martin nun mit einem weiteren Continuation Car, also der Neuauflage eines Klassikers, zurück. Und wir sind uns ziemlich sicher, dass auch diese Serie zum Hit avancieren wird. Legendäre Fahrzeuge der Unternehmensgeschichte nach Original-Bauplänen neu aufleben zu lassen, mag nicht jeder Purist ganz richtig finden, genügend Nachfrage gibt es aber scheinbar.

Noch mehr Bond-Autos ...:

Nicht nur James-Bond-Fans dürften sich also sehr über die Nachricht freuen, dass der Goldfinger-DB5 vor einer aufregenden Rückkehr steht. Als Special Edition mit funktionsfähigen Gadgets wie beim echten Auto von 007. Inklusive rotierender Nummernschilder.

Diese neuen Replikas entstehen in einem Joint Venture zwischen Aston Martin und EON Productions. Dahinter verbirgt sich der Produzent der James-Bond-Filme. Um so viel Authentizität zu propagieren wie möglich, werden die Autos bei Aston Martin Works in Newport Parnell gebaut. Dort entstanden seinerzeit auch die originalen DB5.

Für die Entwicklung und den Einbau all der „Sonderausstattungen“ holte sich Aston den Oscar-Gewinner Chris Corbould an seine Seite. Corbould fungiert als Special-Effects-Supervisor bei den James-Bond-FIlmen. Als Verneigung vor dem Original-Auto werden alle Replikas in der Farbe „Silver Birch“ lackiert. Die Continuation Cars sollen so nah am Goldfinger-DB5 sein wie irgend möglich. Allerdings wird es „einige wohlwollende Modifikationen“ geben, um die Zuverlässigkeit und die Verarbeitungsqualität zu verbessern.

Wie Bond-Afficionados wissen, erscheint der DB5 nicht nur in Goldfinger (1964), sondern in gleich sechs weiteren Teilen des Blockbuster-Franchises. So hat er Auftritte in Thunderball (1965), GoldenEye (1995), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), Casino Royale (2006), Skyfall (2012) und Spectre (2015). In letzterem ist außerdem das Einzelstück Aston Martin DB10 zu sehen, das starken Einfluss auf das Design des neuen Vantage hatte.

Die Produktion der Goldfinger DB5 Continuation Series ist auf 25 Exemplare limitiert. Jedes Auto kostet 2,75 Millionen Pfund - also etwa 3,07 Millionen Euro - vor Steuern. Die Auslieferungen sollen 2020 beginnen. Die (vermutlich sehr reichen) Ergatterer eines neuen Bond-DB5 werden allerdings nicht all zu viel Gelegenheit haben, ihr Glück zu teilen: Die Fahrzeuge werden keine Straßenzulassung haben.


Bildergalerie: Aston Martin DB5 Goldfinger Continuation Series

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  • Aston Martin and EON Productions to create 25 Goldfinger DB5 continuation cars 
  • Cars to include working gadgets to be developed by Oscar®-winner Chris Corbould OBE, special effects supervisor on eight previous James Bond films, working with the SFX department on a total of fourteen 007 adventures
  • Built at Aston Martin Works, Newport Pagnell – the original home of the DB5
  • First customer deliveries scheduled for 2020

20 August 2018, Gaydon: The iconic Aston Martin DB5 is back, thanks to a unique collaboration between Aston Martin and EON Productions, the company that produces the James Bond films.
Following the successful DB4 G.T. continuation project, a series of 25 Goldfinger DB5 continuation editions*, will be created for customers by Aston Martin Works and EON Productions. The Goldfinger DB5 continuation will be based on James Bond’s legendary car from 1964 and built by Aston Martin Works at Newport Pagnell – the original home of the DB5. They will be authentic reproductions of the DB5 seen on screen, with some sympathetic modifications to ensure the highest levels of build quality and reliability.
This authenticity will extend to include functioning gadgets such as revolving number plates and more, which were made famous in Goldfinger. The gadgets will be co-developed with Oscar®-winner Chris Corbould, special effects supervisor from the James Bond films. Officially sanctioned by Aston Martin and EON Productions, all the Goldfinger edition cars will be produced to one specification – Silver Birch paint – just like the original.
The most instantly recognisable car of all-time, the DB5 made its first appearance in the third James Bond movie, Goldfinger, alongside Sean Connery as James Bond. Laden with gadgets and armaments installed by Q Branch, the secret agent’s Aston Martin became an instant hit with moviegoers.
Since its seminal appearance in Goldfinger the DB5 has featured in a further six James Bond movies: Thunderball (1965), again with Connery; GoldenEye (1995) and Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) with Pierce Brosnan and three appearances alongside Daniel Craig in Casino Royale (2006), Skyfall (2012) and Spectre (2015). James Bond and his DB5 have become two icons of popular culture and one of the most successful and enduring movie partnerships of all-time.
Such was its popularity, the DB5’s movie debut even spawned a Corgi die-cast model, an astonishing 2.5m of which were sold in its first year of production (1965). No wonder an entire generation of children grew-up aspiring to own an Aston Martin. Now, thanks to the remarkable Goldfinger DB5 continuation project, a fortunate 25 of them can now own a faithful and authentic tribute to that original car. A further three cars will be built – one each for EON and Aston Martin, plus another to be auctioned for charity.
Andy Palmer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Aston Martin, said: “The connection between Aston Martin and James Bond is something of which we are very proud and it is remarkable that the DB5 remains the definitive James Bond car after so many years. To own an Aston Martin has long been an aspiration for James Bond fans, but to own a Silver Birch DB5, complete with gadgets and built to the highest standards in the very same factory as the original James Bond cars? Well, that is surely the ultimate collectors’ fantasy. The skilled craftspeople at Aston Martin Works and the expert special effects team from the James Bond films are about to make this fantasy real for 25 very lucky customers.”
Paul Spires, Managing Director at Aston Martin Works, added of the Goldfinger DB5 continuation editions: “The connection between Aston Martin and James Bond originated more than half a century ago. Creating 25 Goldfinger DB5 continuations and working with EON Productions and special effects supervisor, Chris Corbould, is something truly unique and a real career highlight for everyone involved here at Aston Martin Works.”
Each Goldfinger DB5 continuation car will be priced at £2.75m plus taxes. First deliveries to customers will commence in 2020.